Make policy management and attestation easy and accessible

Get your Policy Management Framework (PMF) on track. Manage version control, disseminate by individual, function or location and drive awareness via attestation.

Key features

  • Central repository for managing Policies, Guidelines, Forms and any other documents
  • Upload any policies or documents in pdf format
  • Select which Policies require attestation and which group of users this should apply to
  • Notify users about new policies and remind about required attestations
  • Require Users to attest any given policy and record history
  • Detailed Dashboard makes it easy to identify issues at a single glance.

How to manage policies and attestation – best practices

Every organisation, regardless of its size, industry or maturity is exposed to conduct risks such as fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and employee misconduct.
The first step in proactively managing conduct risks is to manage policies and attestation of policies.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively manage policies and policy attestation.

1. Effective policies and procedures in place

Organisations need to use policies and procedures to set out their expectations of standards and behaviour. These policies provide clear direction for employees, contractors and suppliers to operate under and the organisation needs to enforce those standards of behaviour where required.
The policies and procedures need to be clearly communicated to all relevant stakeholders within the organisation to ensure that employees, contractors and suppliers understand their roles and responsibilities in adhering to the policies.

The Corethix policy module provides a central cloud based repository for managing Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and any other documents.
There is no limit to the number Policies or documents which can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations.

2. Keep policies up to date

Conduct risk compliance policies need to be routinely reviewed and updated to ensure that they match the strategic direction of the organisation and current legislative requirements.

Corethix monitors when policies require updating and alerts the policy owner in advance. Expired policies can be archived for historical records and future investigations.

3. Ensure policies are easily accessible

All policies and procedures need to be easily accessed by employees, contractors and suppliers otherwise, they may not be aware of what is, or is not, acceptable behaviour in the workplace. That means storing policies on an internal intranet can be a problem as it does not allow contractors and suppliers to have access, plus employees will have difficulty with mobile accessibility to view policies whilst away from the organisation.
The best solution is to use a cloud based software platform to provide access for all employees, contractors and suppliers which will also allow access by mobile devices.

Corethix is a cloud based software platform that allows easy access for all employees, contractors and suppliers anywhere, anytime and on any device.

4. Enforce policy attestation

Policy attestation refers to the process of verifying and ensuring employees, contractors and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organisation.
It helps ensure that policies are understood, implemented, and adhered to, thereby promoting a culture of compliance and conduct risk mitigation.
The best way to monitor policy attestation, is to record all user interactions with the policies and procedures and to keep a record of each employee, contractor and suppliers acknowledgement of having read and understood the policies and procedures (policy attestation).

Corethix advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy

5. Monitor employee engagement and attestation

It is important to be able to easily monitor and analyse employee engagement and attestation of policies so that, if required, follow up actions can be implemented.
This requires employee interaction and attestation details to be recorded and presented in a format that highlights where employee interactions with policies is lagging. Follow up actions can then be implemented with those employees when attestation has not occurred.

Corethix has a detailed policy dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation. The dashboard highlights problem areas such as low attestation rates and polices requiring updating as well as a library of historical data.‍
Detailed search and filter options on the dashboard data table provide an enhanced drilldown capability to easily investigate issues.

6. Test knowledge

In addition to monitoring policy attestation, testing of user’s knowledge of policies is an additional method to confirm that policies have been read and understood. This can be achieved by sending out surveys to each employee which include questions relating to their relevant policies, and then analysing the results to identify if there are any knowledge gaps. The results of the surveys need to be recorded to document the policy understanding for all employees, contractors and suppliers for future review and detailed analysis.

Corethix includes a Surveys module which can be configured to test employees knowledge of the policies. Results of the surveys are detailed on the Corethix dashboard and can be used to gauge each employees policy understanding.

7. Use video resources to enhance understanding

Linking policies to video resources is an additional best practice method to enhance understanding of policies. The resources can be either in-house or sourced from external video platforms. This can be particularly effective to highlight the key points of a policy to employees.

Corethix includes a Video library module where the URL links to videos from external platforms can be uploaded and linked to specific policies. A video symbol is then displayed against that policy so that employees can both read the policy as well as watch a related video.

Policy Video Software

8. Continuous monitoring

The success of any program to manage policies and attestation requires a regular review of all the key elements to proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and to identify in advance any potential problem areas.
Details of policies that need to be updated and checked for compliance, employees’ attestation of policies, the results of employee policy surveys, should all be recorded and able to be easily analysed.
This is best achieved by having a real-time dashboard with analytics to provide a real-time display of all the key data to allow proactive management, up to-date reporting and an audit trail of historical data.‍
This provides a very effective way to help organisations take the first step in managing conduct risk by proactively managing policies and attestation.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively manage policies and policy attestation.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to get more details or if you would like to start a free 30 day trial.


Make policies, procedures, guidelines and other documents available to selected users in one click
Central repository that is easily accessible anytime and from any device
Distribute policies efficiently and drive engagement by requesting and monitoring attestations

Make policy management hassle-free today

Corethix is a conduct risk solution that helps organisations create a culture of integrity by engaging all of your people on their key employment, risk and compliance obligations whilst providing a holistic view of how conduct risk is being managed across the business.

Policies FAQ

Policy management refers to the process of ensuring that an organisations policies and procedures are kept up to date, are easily accessible and are understood and attested by everyone one in the organisation.
The success of any policy management system requires a regular review of all the key elements to proactively ensure compliance and to identify in advance any potential problem areas.

Every organisation, regardless of its size, industry or maturity is exposed to conduct risks such as fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and employee misconduct.
To help protect against conduct risks, it is critical for organisations to ensure that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have effective policies and procedures in place that align with their values, goals, and objectives.
Effective policy management is critical in ensuring that policies and procedures are kept up to date, are easily accessible and are understood and attested by all relevant stakeholders within the organisation.

A policy management system provides a comprehensive solution incorporating best practices for policy management and attestation. This enables an organisation to ensure that up to date policies and procedures are clearly communicated and understood by all relevant stakeholders.

A policy management system should include best practices such as;

  • Ensuring that effective policies and procedures are in place.
  • Monitoring that policies are kept up to date and alerting when policies require updating.
  • Ensuring policies are easily accessible by all employees and contractors in an organisation – including access on mobile devices.
  • Monitoring employee and contractor engagement with each policy.
  • Monitoring and enforcing policy attestation.
  • Providing a method to use surveys to test policy knowledge.
  • Using video resources to enhance policy knowledge.
  • Providing a real time dashboard to show key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow-up of policy attestation.

Policy management software is a cloud based solution that incorporates all of the best practices of policy management and attestation. This provides organisations with an easy and effective way to ensure that they have up to date policies that are understood and attested by all of their employees and contractors.
The advantages of using a software solution for policy management is that it is a purposely designed, comprehensive solution that is easy to set up and launch. Policies can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations and because it is cloud-based, a software solution also means that all employees and contractors can easily access policies online, even from mobile devices.
Policy management software solutions also include monitoring of policies being up to date, employee engagement and attestation, surveys for testing policy knowledge, videos to enhance policy understanding plus dashboards which provide a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation.

The best way to manage corporate policies is to implement a cloud-based software solution incorporating all of the best practices for policy management and attestation.

This includes;

  • Ensuring that effective policies and procedures are in place.
  • Monitoring that policies are kept up to date and alerting when policies require updating.
  • Ensuring policies are easily accessible by all employees and contractors in an organisation – including access on mobile devices.
  • Monitoring employee and contractor engagement with each policy.
  • Monitoring and enforcing policy attestation.
  • Providing a method to use surveys to test policy knowledge.
  • Using video resources to enhance policy knowledge.
  • Providing a real time dashboard to show key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow-up of policy attestation.

Corethix is a cloud-based software platform that has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively manage policies and policy attestation. Its unique features include;

  • A centralised cloud based repository for managing Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and any other documents. There is no limit to the number Policies or documents which can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations
  • Monitoring when policies require updating and alerting the policy owner in advance. Expired policies can be archived for historical records and future investigations.
  • Because Corethix is a cloud based software platform, it allows easy access for all employees, contractors and suppliers anywhere, anytime and on any device.
  • Advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy
  • A detailed policy dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation. The dashboard highlights problem areas such as low attestation rates and polices requiring updating as well as a library of historical data.‍
  • Detailed search and filter options on the dashboard data table provide an enhanced drilldown capability to easily investigate issues.
  • A Survey module which can be configured to test employees knowledge of the policies. Results of the surveys are detailed on the Corethix dashboard and can be used to gauge each employees policy understanding.
  • A Video library module where the URL links to videos from external platforms can be uploaded and linked to specific policies. A video symbol is then displayed against that policy so that employees can both read the policy as well as watch a related video.

In summary, the Corethix platform is a comprehensive policy management system that incorporates all of the best practices for policy management and attestation. It provides organisations with a software solution that is easy to set up and launch, and proactively ensure that they have up to date policies that are understood and attested by all of their employees and contractors.

The success of any program to manage policies and attestation requires a regular review of all the key elements to proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and to identify in advance any potential problem areas.

Details of policies that need to be updated and checked for compliance, employees’ attestation of policies, the results of employee policy surveys, should all be recorded and able to be easily analysed.

This is best achieved by having a dashboard with analytics to provide a real-time display of all the key data to allow proactive management, up to-date reporting and an audit trail of historical data.‍

This will provide a very effective way to help organisations take the first step in managing conduct risk by proactively managing policies and attestation.

Corethix is a unique software platform that incorporates all of the best practices required for policy management and eliminates the problems of out-dated and disconnected systems.
Many policy management systems do not cover all of the best practices of policy management and therefore reduce the ability for an organisation to effectively ensure that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have effective policies and procedures in place that align with their values, goals, and objectives.

Corethix includes a comprehensive policy management system that incorporates all of the best practices for policy management and attestation. It provides organisations with a comprehensive solution that is easy to set up and launch and proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and identify in advance any potential problem areas.

By implementing Corethix, organisations have a best practice solution that includes;

  • A centralised cloud based repository for managing Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and any other documents. There is no limit to the number Policies or documents which can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations
  • Monitoring when policies require updating and alerting the policy owner in advance. Expired policies can be archived for historical records and future investigations.
  • Because Corethix is a cloud based software platform, it allows easy access for all employees, contractors and suppliers anywhere, anytime and on any device.
  • Advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy
  • A detailed policy dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation. The dashboard highlights problem areas such as low attestation rates and polices requiring updating as well as a library of historical data.‍
  • Detailed search and filter options on the dashboard data table provide an enhanced drilldown capability to easily investigate issues.
  • A Survey module which can be configured to test employees knowledge of the policies. Results of the surveys are detailed on the Corethix dashboard and can be used to gauge each employees policy understanding.
  • A Video library module where the URL links to videos from external platforms can be uploaded and linked to specific policies. A video symbol is then displayed against that policy so that employees can both read the policy as well as watch a related video.

In summary, the Corethix platform is a comprehensive policy management system that incorporates all of the best practices for policy management and attestation. It provides organisations with a comprehensive solution that is easy to set up and launch and proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and identify in advance any potential problem areas.

A policy management system provides a comprehensive solution incorporating best practices for policy management and attestation. This enables an organisation to ensure that up to date policies and procedures are clearly communicated and understood by all relevant stakeholders.

A policy management system should include best practices such as;

  • Ensuring that effective policies and procedures are in place.
  • Monitoring that policies are kept up to date and alerting when policies require updating.
  • Ensuring policies are easily accessible by all employees and contractors in an organisation – including access on mobile devices.
  • Monitoring employee and contractor engagement with each policy.
  • Monitoring and enforcing policy attestation.
  • Providing a method to use surveys to test policy knowledge.
  • Using video resources to enhance policy knowledge.
  • Providing a real time dashboard to show key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow-up of policy attestation.

Corethix monitors when documents or policies require updating and alerts the policy owner in advance. The Corethix policy dashboard highlights documents or policies that require updating and also sends alerts when they have not been updated by their due date. After documents and policies are updated, the Corethix database archives all versions of each document or policy for historical analysis and future investigations.

Corethix is a cloud-based software platform that provides organisations with a comprehensive solution for managing conduct risk.

Because Corethix is cloud-based, it is easily accessible by all employees and contractors, including on mobile devices. This means that all employees and contractors can be made aware of their key employment obligations and what is, and what is not acceptable behaviour in the workplace.

Corethix provides organisations with a cloud-based software solution that is easy to set up and launch, and proactively ensure that they have up to date policies that are understood and attested by all of their employees and contractors.

Corethix monitors when policies require updating and alerts the policy owner in advance. The Corethix policy dashboard highlights policies that require updating and also sends alerts when policies have not been updated by their due date. After policies are updated, the previous version is archived for historical records and future investigations.

Corethix advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy.

Corethix continuously monitors policy attestation by recording all user interactions and keeps a record of each employee, contractor and suppliers acknowledgement of having read and understood  the policies and procedures (policy attestation). A real-time dashboard displays all policy attestation data to enable easy review and analysis of attestation records so that there can be follow up when attestation has not occurred.

All organisations are subject to the risk of their employees being involved in actions which are in breach of current legislative or regulatory obligations, contrary to the organisations stated values, policies and objectives, or at odds with accepted standards and practices for their industry and the broader community. Such actions by their employees can cause significant harm to a business including potential legal action against the company and its management and directors, significant financial loss and damage to their brand and reputation and, importantly, be harmful to the welfare of employees and the morale of the organisation. To help protect against these risks, organisations need to ensure that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have an effective policy management system in place that aligns with the organisations values, goals and objectives and that employees understand and adhere to.

Corethix offers a free 30 day trial with full access to all modules and the ability to invite an unlimited number of trial users. No credit card required.

Corethix pricing is based on the number of client users is paid as an annual subscription.

Policy attestation FAQ

Policy attestation refers to the process of verifying and ensuring employees, contractors and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organisation.
This helps an organisation to ensure that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have an effective policy management system in place that aligns with the organisations values, goals and objectives and that employees understand and adhere to.

Policy attestation helps ensure that an organisations policies are understood, implemented, and adhered to, thereby promoting a culture of compliance and risk mitigation.
Organisations use policies and procedures to set out their expectations of standards and behaviour. These policies provide clear direction for employees, contractors and suppliers to operate under and the organisation needs to enforce those standards of behaviour where required.
The policies and procedures need to be clearly communicated to all relevant stakeholders and attestation is a way for employees and contractors to confirm that they have read and understood the policies. Therefore confirming that they understand their responsibilities by adhering to the policies.

The attestation process refers to the method of verifying and ensuring employees, contractors and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organisation.
This helps an organisation to ensure that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have an effective policy management system in place that aligns with the organisations values, goals and objectives and that employees understand and adhere to.

The key steps in having an effective attestation process are;

  1. Ensure all policies and procedures can be easily accessed by employees and contractors. The best solution is to use a cloud based software platform to provide easy access for all employees and contractors.
  2. Record all user interactions with the policies and procedures and keep a record of each employee and contractors acknowledgement of having read and understood the policies and procedures (attestation).
  3. Monitor attestation rates and follow up employees and contractors when attestation has not occurred. The best solution is to use a software platform with a dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation.

Validate the attestation process by conducting surveys to test knowledge of policies.

Corethix has a best practice policy attestation solution which not only monitors employee interaction and attestation of policies but also provides methods for enhancing policy understanding and testing policy knowledge. This provides a very effective way for organisations to ensure that that they are compliant with their legal and regulatory obligations and have effective policies and procedures in place that have been read and understood by their employees and contractors.

The Corethix policy attestation solution includes;

  • A centralised cloud based repository for managing Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and any other documents that may require attestation. There is no limit to the number Policies or documents which can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations.
  • Because Corethix is a cloud based software platform, it allows easy access for all employees and contractors to download, read and attest policies.
  • Advising employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy.
  • A detailed policy dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation The dashboard highlights problem areas such as low attestation rates and polices requiring updating as well as a library of historical data.‍
  • Detailed search and filter options on the dashboard data table provide an enhanced drilldown capability to easily investigate issues.
  • A Survey module which can be configured to test employees knowledge of the policies. Results of the surveys are detailed on the Corethix dashboard and can be used to gauge each employees policy understanding.
  • A Video library module where the URL links to videos from external platforms can be uploaded and linked to specific policies. A video symbol is then displayed against that policy so that employees can both read the policy as well as watch a related video.

In summary, the Corethix platform is a comprehensive policy attestation solution that incorporates all of the best practices for policy management and attestation. It provides organisations with a comprehensive solution that is easy to set up and launch and proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and identify in advance any potential problem areas.

Policy attestation should be a requirement for all employees and contractors where a particular policy is relevant to their location and function in an organisation. Some policies such as code of conduct are applicable to everyone in an organisation and therefore should be attested by all.

An organisation is responsible to have policies and procedures in place and to have a policy attestation process in place, but it is the individual employee’s or contractor’s responsibility to attest policies when requested.

A policy attestation is valid until the policy is updated. This is usually 12 to 24 months.

Attestation of policies can be done in a number of different ways for an employee or contractor to acknowledge that they have read and understood a policy. The most effective way to ensure that the attestation process is taken seriously is to use an online method to request a formal attestation acknowledgment and to record the time and date of the attestation. This provides an historical record for any future investigation.

Corethix advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy

Corethix offers a free 30 day trial with full access to all modules and the ability to invite an unlimited number of trial users. No credit card required.

Corethix pricing is based on the number of client users is paid as an annual subscription

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