Make policy management and attestation easy and accessible

Get your Policy Management Framework (PMF) on track. Manage version control, disseminate by individual, function or location and drive awareness via attestation.

Key features

  • Central repository for managing Policies, Guidelines, Forms and any other documents
  • Upload any policies or documents in pdf format
  • Select which Policies require attestation and which group of users this should apply to
  • Notify users about new policies and remind about required attestations
  • Require Users to attest any given policy and record history
  • Detailed Dashboard makes it easy to identify issues at a single glance.

How to manage policies and attestation – best practices

Every organisation, regardless of its size, industry or maturity is exposed to conduct risks such as fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and employee misconduct.
The first step in proactively managing conduct risks is to manage policies and attestation of policies.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively manage policies and policy attestation.

1. Effective policies and procedures in place

Organisations need to use policies and procedures to set out their expectations of standards and behaviour. These policies provide clear direction for employees, contractors and suppliers to operate under and the organisation needs to enforce those standards of behaviour where required.
The policies and procedures need to be clearly communicated to all relevant stakeholders within the organisation to ensure that employees, contractors and suppliers understand their roles and responsibilities in adhering to the policies.

The Corethix policy module provides a central cloud based repository for managing Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and any other documents.
There is no limit to the number Policies or documents which can be easily uploaded and assigned to specific employee groups or locations.

2. Keep policies up to date

Conduct risk compliance policies need to be routinely reviewed and updated to ensure that they match the strategic direction of the organisation and current legislative requirements.

Corethix monitors when policies require updating and alerts the policy owner in advance. Expired policies can be archived for historical records and future investigations.

3. Ensure policies are easily accessible

All policies and procedures need to be easily accessed by employees, contractors and suppliers otherwise, they may not be aware of what is, or is not, acceptable behaviour in the workplace. That means storing policies on an internal intranet can be a problem as it does not allow contractors and suppliers to have access, plus employees will have difficulty with mobile accessibility to view policies whilst away from the organisation.
The best solution is to use a cloud based software platform to provide access for all employees, contractors and suppliers which will also allow access by mobile devices.

Corethix is a cloud based software platform that allows easy access for all employees, contractors and suppliers anywhere, anytime and on any device.

4. Enforce policy attestation

Policy attestation refers to the process of verifying and ensuring employees, contractors and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organisation.
It helps ensure that policies are understood, implemented, and adhered to, thereby promoting a culture of compliance and conduct risk mitigation.
The best way to monitor policy attestation, is to record all user interactions with the policies and procedures and to keep a record of each employee, contractor and suppliers acknowledgement of having read and understood the policies and procedures (policy attestation).

Corethix advises employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and after downloading, attest that that they have read and understood the policy

5. Monitor employee engagement and attestation

It is important to be able to easily monitor and analyse employee engagement and attestation of policies so that, if required, follow up actions can be implemented.
This requires employee interaction and attestation details to be recorded and presented in a format that highlights where employee interactions with policies is lagging. Follow up actions can then be implemented with those employees when attestation has not occurred.

Corethix has a detailed policy dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of employee engagement to allow proactive management and follow up of policy attestation. The dashboard highlights problem areas such as low attestation rates and polices requiring updating as well as a library of historical data.‍
Detailed search and filter options on the dashboard data table provide an enhanced drilldown capability to easily investigate issues.

6. Test knowledge

In addition to monitoring policy attestation, testing of user’s knowledge of policies is an additional method to confirm that policies have been read and understood. This can be achieved by sending out surveys to each employee which include questions relating to their relevant policies, and then analysing the results to identify if there are any knowledge gaps. The results of the surveys need to be recorded to document the policy understanding for all employees, contractors and suppliers for future review and detailed analysis.

Corethix includes a Surveys module which can be configured to test employees knowledge of the policies. Results of the surveys are detailed on the Corethix dashboard and can be used to gauge each employees policy understanding.

7. Use video resources to enhance understanding

Linking policies to video resources is an additional best practice method to enhance understanding of policies. The resources can be either in-house or sourced from external video platforms. This can be particularly effective to highlight the key points of a policy to employees.

Corethix includes a Video library module where the URL links to videos from external platforms can be uploaded and linked to specific policies. A video symbol is then displayed against that policy so that employees can both read the policy as well as watch a related video.

Policy Video Software

8. Continuous monitoring

The success of any program to manage policies and attestation requires a regular review of all the key elements to proactively ensure compliance with policies and procedures and to identify in advance any potential problem areas.
Details of policies that need to be updated and checked for compliance, employees’ attestation of policies, the results of employee policy surveys, should all be recorded and able to be easily analysed.
This is best achieved by having a real-time dashboard with analytics to provide a real-time display of all the key data to allow proactive management, up to-date reporting and an audit trail of historical data.‍
This provides a very effective way to help organisations take the first step in managing conduct risk by proactively managing policies and attestation.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively manage policies and policy attestation.

Please contact us at if you would like to get more details or if you would like to start a free 30 day trial.


Make policies, procedures, guidelines and other documents available to selected users in one click
Central repository that is easily accessible anytime and from any device
Distribute policies efficiently and drive engagement by requesting and monitoring attestations

Make policy management hassle-free today

Corethix is a conduct risk solution that helps organisations create a culture of integrity by engaging all of your people on their key employment, risk and compliance obligations whilst providing a holistic view of how conduct risk is being managed across the business.

Policy attestation FAQ

Policy Attestation is a process by which internal stakeholders confirm, view, or authenticate that they have read and agree to abide by a policy1. This can be done in various ways, including emails to and from stakeholders1. At its simplest, policy attestation asks employees to confirm that they have read and understood a policy by checking a box or even electronically signing a policy2. Attestations are essential to your policy management program to ensure there is no mismanagement of policies or procedures that could put the organization at risk1. It’s imperative that an organization implements an effective procedure to track attestations to ensure that policies are reaching the right people at the right time1.

Policy attestation in Corethix refers to the process of verifying and ensuring that employees, contractors, and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organization³.

Key features of policy attestation in Corethix include:

  • A central repository for managing policies, guidelines, forms, and other documents¹.
  • The ability to select which policies require attestation and which group of users this should apply to¹.
  • Notifications to users about new policies and reminders about required attestations¹.
  • Users are required to attest that they have read and understood the policy².
  • A detailed dashboard that makes it easy to identify issues at a single glance¹.

This process helps ensure that policies are understood, implemented, and adhered to, thereby promoting a culture of compliance and conduct risk mitigation³.

Attestation, in general, is the act of verifying and certifying the accuracy or truth of a document or statement¹. It serves several key purposes:

  • It establishes credibility and trust in the information³.
  • It provides assurance that the information presented is valid and reliable³.
  • It verifies that a document and the signatures within it are valid¹.
  • It confirms that the proper processes were followed¹.
  • It is often used in legal documents involving wills or powers of attorney¹.

In essence, attestation is a third-party recognition of a documented agreement’s validity¹. It is a legal acknowledgment of the authenticity of a document and a verification that proper processes were followed¹. This process is crucial in many areas, including policy attestation in Corethix, to ensure compliance and mitigate risk.

In the context of policy attestation, the responsibility is typically shared among various parties:

  1. **Employees**: They are responsible for confirming that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the policies¹³.
  2. **Policy Management Team**: This team is responsible for ensuring that policies are distributed at the right time, to the right audience, and in an accessible manner¹. They also track attestations to ensure that policies are reaching the right people at the right time¹.
  3. **Responsible Executive Member**: In some organizations, a member of the executive team has overarching responsibility and accountability for the policy and related procedures⁴. They are accountable for the implementation and compliance of the policy⁴.
  4. **Auditors**: They provide an independent assessment of whether the policy attestation process is working effectively².

It’s important to note that the specific responsibilities can vary depending on the organization’s structure and the nature of the policy. It’s always best to refer to the specific policy documentation or consult with a relevant authority within the organization for precise responsibilities

In Corethix, policy attestation refers to the process of verifying and ensuring that employees, contractors, and suppliers have read and understood the policies within an organization¹. This process helps ensure that policies are understood, implemented, and adhered to, thereby promoting a culture of compliance and conduct risk mitigation¹.

Corethix notifies employees when new policies are launched and whether a policy requires attestation¹. Employees log in to their Corethix homepage and, after downloading, attest that they have read and understood the policy¹. This process is crucial in managing conduct risks such as fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest, and employee misconduct¹.

So, the responsibility for policy attestation in Corethix lies with the individuals (employees, contractors, and suppliers) who are required to read, understand, and adhere to the policies. The platform facilitates this process by providing notifications and a central repository for managing policies¹.

An attestation, whether it’s for a policy or a document, typically includes the following elements¹⁴:

  1. **Declaration**: A statement that certifies the truthfulness or authenticity of the information provided. For example, if you’re attesting a policy, you would declare that you have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the policy³.
  2. **Identification**: Details about the person making the attestation. This could include their name, role, or other relevant information.
  3. **Date**: The date when the attestation is made should be included. This helps track when the attestation was made and can be important for record-keeping purposes¹.
  4. **Signature**: The attestation should be signed by the person making it. This serves as a confirmation that they stand by the declaration made in the attestation¹.
  5. **Witnesses (if applicable)**: In some cases, attestations may need to be witnessed. The witnesses would also sign the attestation, confirming that they were present when the person made the attestation².

Remember, the specific requirements for an attestation can vary depending on the context and the organization’s policies. Always check with the relevant authority or guidelines if you’re unsure. In the case of Corethix, the platform will guide you through the attestation process¹.

The effectiveness of policy management in Corethix can be measured through several key features and practices:

  1. **Effective Policies and Procedures**: Establish robust policies and procedures to articulate standards and behavioral expectations¹².
  2. **Policy Updates**: Regularly review and update conduct risk compliance policies to ensure alignment with the organization’s strategic direction and current legislative requirements¹².
  3. **Accessibility**: Ensure all policies and procedures are easily accessible by employees, contractors, and suppliers¹².
  4. **Policy Attestation**: Enforce policy attestation to verify that employees, contractors, and suppliers have read and understood the policies¹².
  5. **Monitoring Engagement and Attestation**: Monitor and analyze employee engagement and policy attestation. Corethix provides a detailed policy dashboard that displays key data of employee engagement in real-time².
  6. **Knowledge Testing**: Test users’ knowledge of policies to confirm their understanding².
  7. **Use of Video Resources**: Link policies to video resources to enhance understanding².
  8. **Integrity Risk Index**: Corethix has developed an innovative Integrity Risk Index (IRI) that provides a real-time score showing the effectiveness of your compliance program at both a user and organization level³.

These features and practices collectively contribute to the measurement of policy management effectiveness in Corethix.

Policy management software can significantly enhance the effectiveness of policy management in Corethix and other contexts. Here are some ways how:

  1. **Streamlined Policy Creation and Maintenance**: Policy management software provides a centralized platform for managing policies, ensuring they are up-to-date and easily accessible to employees¹.
  2. **Effective Communication and Collaboration**: It allows different stakeholders to collaborate on policy development and review, promoting a culture of transparency and accountability¹.
  3. **Policy Implementation and Enforcement**: The software provides tools for tracking policy acknowledgments, training completion, and compliance violations, enabling organizations to monitor and enforce compliance effectively¹.
  4. **Adaptability to Changes**: It allows for easy updates and distribution of policy changes, ensuring that employees are always aware of the latest requirements¹.
  5. **Efficiency and Accuracy**: Policy management software reduces manual errors and increases accuracy by automating data entry¹.
  6. **Compliance Visibility**: Businesses can track changes, monitor training progress, and generate reports, making audits easier and reducing fines/penalties¹.
  7. **Time Saving**: Gartner Research found that organizations using such software reduce admin time spent on policy tasks by 70%, allowing employees to focus on activities that drive business growth¹.

These benefits collectively contribute to the measurement of policy management effectiveness in Corethix and other contexts.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 28/2/2024

  1. What are Policy Management Software Benefits? – OnPolicy.
  2. What is policy management software, and how does it help? – PowerDMS.
  3. What are the benefits of using policy management software.
  4. MCN Healthcare – Unlock the Benefits of Policy Management Software.

When it comes to attesting documents, it’s typically the **photocopies** that are attested, not the originals¹². This allows the owner to retain possession of the original document¹. The process involves a referee or a notary who must be confident that the copy of your identity document is a true copy of the original². They will need to sight your original document and the copy, then write “This is a true copy of the original as supplied to me” on each copy, and sign their signature on each copy². However, the exact requirements can vary depending on your state’s particular requirements³. If you’re unsure, it’s best to check with the relevant authority in your area.

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